

Where can I find a copy of 2508?

If you live in the 2508 postcode, you should receive a copy in your letterbox. If not, please let us know! Our walkers may have missed you. This may be because:

a) accidents happen;
b) you have a super-scary fierce dog;
c) your postbox is not easily identifiable as such. Eg, it is an old microwave.

You can pick up copies at Helensburgh Newsagency, Helensburgh Post Office and other local businesses. 

Live outside the area and want to subscribe? It's just $49 per year, including p&p! 

What area do you cover?

The magazine is hand-delivered to letterboxes and local businesses in the 2508 postcode and now also Waterfall. The 2508 postcode includes Helensburgh, Darkes Forest, Otford, Stanwell Tops, Stanwell Park and Coalcliff.

When do you deliver?

In the first week of each month. The magazine goes live online on the 1st of the month, then walkers aim to deliver within three to seven days (to allow for hiccups like heat waves and rainstorms).

How many magazines do you deliver?

Each month, we deliver about 4000 copies of 2508 District News. We also deliver about 5000 copies of our sister mag, 2515 Coast News, to letterboxes and businesses from Clifton to Thirroul/Bulli. That's about 9000 magazines a month!

I have a "No Junk Mail" sticker – will I still receive a magazine?

Yes. Community news is not classified as junk mail.

We employ a unique team of walkers who only deliver our magazines – no other leaflets, inserts or catalogues. 

If your mailbox has a sticker saying "Posted letters only", "Addressed mail only" or "No newspapers or circulars", then we will not deliver.

If you're receiving a magazine and don't want one, please let us know so we can add you to a "Do Not Deliver" list.

Australia Post has information on managing junk mail and the Distribution Standards Board (DSB) has guidelines on letter-boxing. 

Who does all the hard work?

We have a trusty team of paid local walkers – from teenagers getting their first work experience to retirees who enjoy exercise with a purpose! Special thanks to the Coleman family, who cover the majority of the region. Even the editors sometimes step away from their laptops to get some fresh air. The slopes of the escarpment make for a great work out!

Do you have any job vacancies?

Not right now. But we're always happy to receive applications as – particularly in Covid time – the situation changes monthly. Simply email us your name, age, residential address and contact details, and we'll add you to our Walkers List.